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Greenheck RV / RVE Rooftop Ventilator
The model RV(E) is a pre-engineered rooftop ventilation unit specifically designed to condition and deliver mixtures of outdoor and return air to a building. Varying outdoor air conditions and building loads create a serious challenge for any HVAC system. To overcome these challenges, the RV(E) includes value added features such as a factory mounted variable frequency drive (VFD) for supply air volume control, outdoor and return air dampers for mixed air control, and an onboard microprocessor system for precise temperature and humidity control. Pre-engineered features provide semi-custom flexibility while maintaining the quality, consistency, and value of a standardized product.
The RV(E) operates up to 18,000 cfm with an external static pressure of 3 inches. The unit can have indirect gas, hot water or electric heat as the heating options. The unit is also complete with packaged DX, chilled water or split DX cooling.
The model RV(E) has been specifically designed to meet the challenges of introducing high percentages of outdoor air into a building. Features included in the RV(E) minimize energy consumption, control outdoor air volume, and maintain high levels of indoor air quality. This makes the RV(E) ideal for ventilation applications in which the supply air volume consists of 20% or more outdoor air.
The model RV(E) comes as standard with double wall construction and has an option for a pre (MERV 8) and post (MERV 13) filter to meet the CSA Standard Z317.2, Special Requirements for HVAC Systems in Health Care Facilities.
For more information on the Greenheck RV / RVE Rooftop Ventilator, click on the button below.

SolutionAir Custom Rooftop Units
SolutionAir manufactures a wide range of custom gas heat and DX cooled units to meet your new construction and retrofit needs. In addition to multiple unit configurations, we also offer an extensive assortment of construction options like energy recovery to meet your project’s performance and budget requirements.
- Base options of structural steel or formed, custom fit to existing curbs
- Single or double wall construction
- Foamed or fiberglass filled walls
- Material options of G60, G90, baked enamel and stainless steel
- Heating: Hot water, glycol, steam, integral face and bypass, gas, and electric
- Cooling: Integral DX or chilled water systems
- AMCA certified fans
- Insulated airfoil dampers
- Broad range of filtration options
- Air blenders
- Energy Recovery via wheels, heatpipes, & plate type heat exchangers
For more information on the SolutionAir’s Custom Rooftop Units, click on the button below.
Greenheck Vari-Green Motors and Controllers
The Vari-Green Motor is an electronically commutated (EC) motor that uses AC input power and internally converts it to a DC power supply which provides an 80% turndown capability and increased energy savings. The motors are offered in a direct drive configuration up to 2 hp. Motors, 1hp and smaller are available in 115VAC single phase power. Motors 1hp to 2hp are offered in either 115VAC or 208/230VAC single phase configurations.
Greenheck offers the Vari-Green motor on a number of fan models, including the centrifugal spun aluminum series (CUE, CW, G), inline series (SQ), propeller series (SE, SS) and the utility vent sets (SFD, SWD).
To further take advantage of the flexibility of the Vari-Green motor, Greenheck offers a number of built-in or remotely mounted controllers. Control offered by Greenheck are the remote speed control, fully adjustable two speed control, indoor air quality – temperature/humidity control and VOC control, as well as constant pressure (Static or velocity) controllers.
For more information on the Greenheck Vari-Green Motors and Controllers, click on the button below.